yes nice great thumbs up clueless

As the end of term looms, now is a really great time to get all nostalgic and look back at your university experience…

The ups, the downs, the highs, the lows, the successes, the failures, the friendships and every drunken mistake you made in between.

So to make you all wistful and emotional, here are 35 signs that you had the best university experience ever.

1. You made friends for life.

Girls on HBO hug friendship girls hbo girlshbo

2. Friendships so important that you can’t remember a time when you weren’t friends.

Broad City friendship cheers ilana glazer abbi jacobson

3. Friends who have seen you blind drunk, crying on the pavement outside a club beside a pool of your own vomit.

friend friendship mean girls gretchen wieners

4. You spent half your student loan in Freshers week.

RealityTVGIFs real housewives drinking rhobh wasted

5. You had one night that was so eventful that no one is allowed to talk about.

CBC sassy eye roll dont manjit minhas

6. But after a while you will laugh about it and it will forever be known as “The night that………”

laughter shaq

7.  When you look back at the year, very few of your memories involve doing any actual work.

WE tv oops oprah shade side eye

8. Or going to class.

oops jesse eisenberg mark zuckerberg reaction the social network

9. You often forget that you’re going to university to have a degree. 

exorcism anthony hopkins the rite i didnt even know that was a real name well i didbut ya knoooowwww

10. You have been so broke that you genuinely had to choose between alcohol and food. And alcohol won.

alcohol megan mullally vodka potato

11. You’ve had to borrow money from your parents at least once.

CraveTV sad please comedy central amy schumer

12. You had a random amazing night out with people you didn’t really know and haven’t spoken to since.

president obama presidential inauguration 2013 inauguration like who even are half these people clearly i pay attention

13. You’ve woken up somewhere and had absolutely no idea where you were.

game of thrones got theon greyjoy where am i

14. You’ve been on a little day trip with your mates. 

scooby doo road trip

15. You managed to pass your exams and have no idea how you achieved it.

snakes miracle it's a miracle

16. You and your friends have been the last people standing in the club and have experienced that dreaded moment when the lights come back on.


17. Your best, most memorable night at uni was an unplanned one. 

Sisters funny fun comedy wow

18. You’ve watched an entire TV series in a day. 

tv book read static

19. You’ve had a flat party/house party/party in your room in halls and there is still a stain/some damage that you can’t get rid of.

party drinking wine alcohol yum

20. You’ve done a walk of shame/ a stride of pride. 

movies hbo star netflix go

21. You’ve visited a friend at another university or had someone from another uni come to stay with you.

Party Down South happy excited yeah omg

22. You’ve been put to bed by your friends.

tired bed sleepy nap nap time

23. You’ve gone to a 9am lecture and realised you’re still drunk from the night before.

drunk baby

24. You’ve had to untag yourself from horrific photos on social media in frantic fear that your parents or a family member might see them.

no the office michael scott please no steve carrell

25. You no longer have a sleeping pattern.

kim kardashian tired sleeping kris jenner mason disick

26. You and your friends have turned up to a houseparty you weren’t invited to and didn’t know anyone. 

confused where are we

27. You have had to sprint to hand in an essay before a deadline. 

X-Men Movies running fast quicksilver x-men

28. You have returned from a night out when people are leaving for class.

college amber rose college life walk of shame backtoschool

29. You have fallen asleep in a lecture.

bored tired sleeping sleepy hugh laurie

30. You had a, let’s say… ‘romantic encounter’ at the beginning of the year which you wholeheartedly regret and are deeply embarrassed about.

NowThis sorry im sorry regret apology

31. You’ve had a full on emotional breakdown and considered dropping out. 


32. You’ve been drunk before lunch time.

drunk drinking alcohol ross david schwimmer

33. You’ve woken up and not been able to find your shoes.

The Simpsons season 8 episode 8 8x08 super intendent chalmers

34. There is a particular alcoholic beverage that you can no longer so much as look at because of one awful experience. 

gross gag yuck page jeremy hill

35. You’ve successfully blagged a seminar without doing any reading whatsoever.

smart genius jack black i know everything heat vision and jack

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