You learn so much more at University than what’s on your course syllabus.
You learn how to live a responsible, independent adult life (kind of) and acquire an array of essential life skills which will see you into the future…
33 Life Skills You Acquire At University
1. How to strategically dodge people with promotional flyers in the street.
2. How to get ready for a night out in less than 30 minutes.
3. And how to get ready for class in less than 5 minutes.Â
4. How to cook a meal using a few dishes as possible to avoid washing up.
5. How to not shudder every time you drink Glenn’s Vodka.
6. How to use Google and Wikipedia effectively to write an essay that doesn’t 100% sound like it’s been copied and pasted.
7. How to convince your parents to lend you a bit more cash because you’ve spent all yours on ‘books’ and ‘food’ and ‘transport’.
8. If you put anything in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, it will cook.
9. The art of nodding and pretending you understand something in a lecture when you absolutely don’t.
10. How to accept 40% as a decent enough grade.
11. How to find the events where you get free food.
12. How to make a fancy dress costume out of very limited resources.
13. How to calculate the exact percentage of classes you must attend before being struck off for poor attendance.
14. You can easily run out of money for food but you will never run out of money for alcohol.
15. £3 for a box of cereal is daylight robbery but £3 for a vodka and Redbull is the bargain of the century.
16. How to plan classes around naps.
17. How to make it look like your taking notes in class when you’re Snapchatting.
18. How to fall asleep basically anywhere.

19. How to leave an essay to the very last minute.
20. How to cram an entire semester’s syllabus into a day.
21. How to get up and go to a lecture after two hours sleep.
22. You can always push the bin down further if you try hard enough.
23. Being an adult never feels like what you thought being an adult would feel like.
24. How to watch four episodes of Come Dine With Me in a row and avoid life responsibilities.
25. How to have a great night out on a tenner.
26. It’s best to live in ignorance and not look at your bank balance until your card is declined.
27. How to live comfortably in an overdraft.
28. Anything can be used as an excuse to skip class.
29. Anything can be used as an excuse to drink.
30. You can eat anything with pasta.
31. You can put curry sauce/barbecue sauce on anything.
32. How to wear an item of clothing four – five times before washing it.
33. Use by dates on food can be flexible.
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