At some point, most university students will start to become inundated with essays and assignments.

Essay writing is a common, obligatory academic assignment, usually regardless of course or institution. Therefore, it is a skill that many students need to adopt quickly if they want to keep their head above water throughout their studies.

Nevertheless essay writing can be tedious and difficult, and you can rest assured that you’re not the only one who would rather aimlessly binge-watch Netflix for hours than face the work. However, when you’re aware of the important aspects of constructing an effective essay, it can help to make the writing process a lot less daunting and stressful, and much more productive.

In this post, we’re outlining some of the most important do’s and don’ts that should be considered when writing an essay, summarised in our handy infographic below. These important points make up the backbone of your essay, and as long as you keep them in mind, you can’t go wrong. Refer back to them when you’re writing your essay to ensure that you’re always staying on track.


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