Living with friends is all fun and games until it comes to paying bills…

That’s when things get troublesome and arguments ensue. No one wants to fight with their best friend about whose turn it is to buy toilet roll, but unless you have a good system in place, these kinds of petty fights are inevitable.

That’s where Splittable comes in.

Splittable is an app that allows you and your housemates to track and split the costs you share together.

With Splittable, you can split big bills like rent, utilities, council tax and internet, as well as small bills like cleaning supplies, milk, bread and shared taxi.

If you’re the person who always ends up paying for everything and never gets the money back, Splittable will be a welcome solution.

How It Works

  • Easy to use tracking system makes you feel like you will actually get paid back when you buy a good for the home.
  • You can record both individual costs (toilet roll) or recurring expenses (rent/internet) for the home. You can mark who in the household paid for what cost, how it needs to be paid back between people.
  • You can visualise if you owe money or are being owed money on the home screen. If you don’t owe money/have anyone owing you money then you are ‘All Squared’ in the household.
  • Concept: That you don’t have to pay someone back for each cost but can pay it forward by buying the next item for the house and expenses will cancel out.

Splittable is available for free download on iOS, Android and the web. Find out more at


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