pack suitcase packing trip

How the heck do you pack for going to Uni?

Like seriously, what in the name of Beyonce, are you meant to bring with you to survive an entire year in a completely new place?

It’s an impossible task; to put all your life’s belongings in a few suitcases because, as anyone who has ever packed before will know, you ALWAYS forget something.

So as we’re the experts at this sort of thing (we ship luggage for 50,000+ students), we are going to give you a hand. We’ve put a nifty little list together of important things you need to bring to uni, to ensure that you do not leave anything behind.

(P.s If you need a more detailed serious guide, you can check out our Ultimate What To Take To Uni Checklist)


24 Unexpected Things You NEED To Bring To University

1. Fancy dress material. Don’t forget an old school tie because THERE will always be a school disco themed party during Fresher’s week.

cat costume cat costume halloween animals mr tinkles

2. A bottle opener. Having a bottle opener or corkscrew will make you friends for life.

popular animated GIF

3. Coat hangers.

persiis hangers

4. A clothes horse. Or else your room will look like this.

Or this will happen.

5. Bed sheets. University bed sheets are always crap and smell like dust.

6. Boxes to store things – your room will be small, so you’ll need to manage space.

box cat fail

7. Ear plugs. In case your flat mates decide to have sex loudly at ungodly hours. Or for when your flatmate shouts at you for having loud sex at ungodly hours.

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8. Formal clothes for any swanky events.

the great gatsby animated GIF

9. Egg cups – they double up as shot glasses.

Via @MyronJo on Twitter

10. Extra USB cables because yours will vanish into the abyss so often that you’ll be genuinely concerned that there are USB cable fairies that sneak into your room at night and eat them for a laugh.

10. Slippers. 

11. Contraception. Lots of it.

12. Washing powder.

friends animated GIF

13. Hot water bottle because you will forget what it feels like to have central heating.

14. Drugs. By which we mean, paracetamol, Lemsip and Berocca for Freshers flu. Oh, and don’t forget plasters.

sick animated GIF

15. Proper scissors. You will be surprised how hard it is to find good scissors. And by how much you will need them.

johnny depp animated GIF

16. Photos from home to decorate with.

The Simpsons picture season 7 episode 21 gun

17. Blue tack. For sticking old pictures to your walls/to cover up the gross 1970s student halls wallpaper and any questionable stains it might have.

18. An iPhone/iPod dock or speakers/Bluetooth. This will make you the most popular person on the planet.

music throwback radio memories oldschool

19. Lots of comfortable clothes and pyjamas. Because you will become way too lazy to dress well.

bananas in pajamas animated GIF

20. A musical instrument or something you can entertain people with. Or if you have no hobbies, bring a boardgame.

free america barack obama guitar merica

21. A mirror.

hair animated GIF

22. Extension leads.

23. Tupperware.

24. A doorstop. To prevent you from getting locked out of your room.

And here’s a list of things you DON’T need.

1. An iron. You’ll never use it.

2. USB pens. You’ll get loads of free ones at Fresher’s events.

3. All your old school work, books and files. You will not look at them once.

4. Your school leaver’s hoodie.

(P.s If you need a more detailed serious guide, you can check out our Ultimate What To Take To Uni Checklist)


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Ultimate What To Take To Uni Checklist

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